Forrest Gump was partially correct when he uttered those
famous words – “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re
gonna get.” The detail that Mr. Gump
neglected to let us know however, is sometimes you get one of those chocolates and
it isn’t exactly the surprise you were hoping for.
It hasn’t been the easiest of days as of late. It is a very difficult thing to have to look
in the mirror regarding mistakes that have been made and while it is necessary
for all of us to do, so we can learn and grow, it certainly does not make the
exercise any less difficult.
Life is going to be easy, said no one ever. The fact of the matter is, we are all dealing
with something. What is small to one
person may be big to another. At the end
of the day, everyone is dealing with something because no one on this earth is
perfect. The fact that we all struggle
at times – fairly or unfairly - is
simply a part of life.
Consider being the hand that reaches out to someone in need,
whether you know that individual’s situation or not. What you consider small may be something very
big to another person. In my experience,
I’ve come to find that most times it helps me even more than the person I’m
attempting to help. These are the things
that help build His kingdom here on earth.
Do your best to have fun along the way and keep trying those
chocolates in the box from time to time, even if you get one you don’t like. That’s called life.
Because if you keep trying, sooner or later, you’re going to
find that one chocolate that is just your taste.
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