One guy's thoughts on life, love, faith and his world

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Mistakes, Growth and Cookbooks

I’ve heard it said the greatest cooks in the world have made the most mistakes at their craft.

If that is the case, I must be Julia Child.

Last week, I wrote a bit on forgiveness.  Quite often, the prerequisite for forgiveness is a mistake, but there is a wonderful opportunity for growth when a mistake is made.  The key is to take action to learn from the mistake and grow from it.

I can own the best cookbook ever written.  But if I never open it up and learn it….. Well, I’m still going to be hungry. 

A friend of mine once told me that it isn’t a mistake the first time, it is a learning experience.  I’ll take it a step further because some of us can be a bit hard-headed every so often.  We may even make the same mistake multiple times before we fully learn the lesson.  However, if we are trying to take action and the learning process begins to take place, we are headed in the right direction.

Sometimes, it takes a few tries with a recipe to get it right.  Truth be told, there may be some recipes that we continually trip over time and again.  That’s okay though, as long as we are still trying to learn from the mistakes and are still in the kitchen trying our best. 

Thankfully, we are and always will be but a Sous Chef.  The Master Chef is lovingly watching over us, teaching us, guiding us.  He gives us the ingredients, recipes and tools to get it right no matter how long it takes because the Master Chef knows we will all make mistakes and is patient.  He gives us the cookbook.

It’s up to us to open it.

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