One guy's thoughts on life, love, faith and his world

Thursday, April 26, 2018

A Wonderful Thing

A wonderful thing happened to me today.

I woke up.

I don’t have a disease nor any type of sickness that would prevent this, thanks be to God.  However, it is a gift to be able to wake up and use the day to find joy, serve others and strive to be the best that I can be.  It is a chance to find the face of Christ in others and – God willing – have others find the face of Christ in me.

Now, that’s not to say I have a perfect life, far from it.  There simply is no such thing.  What I do have is an opportunity to make today better than yesterday and set the tone for tomorrow, but only if I take that opportunity.  And if you are reading this, YOU have the same opportunity.

Recently, I read a book called Wake Up Happy by Michael Strahan.  It’s been a book that I’ve wanted to read for some time, not only because I’m a New York Giants fan, but mostly because I admire his work ethic, determination and his ability to consistently re-invent himself.

One of the points Strahan discusses in his book is about being in the moment.  Not just letting life happen but to truly be present in the moment.  When doing this, we are able to learn from the past, take the information we are given and adjust moving forward.  Waking up each day gives us the ability to try our best to be present in the moment.

It sounds great on paper, in real life not so much.  Being more present, as with all things in this game of life, is about progress and not perfection.  If we attempt to commit to it every morning – when we wake up – before too long, a habit is formed.  A good habit of growing personally while helping others around us.  That, my friends, is progress.

Some days it won’t be easy and some days you may want to simply sleep the day away.  That is the reality of life.  Every day, especially those tough days, just try to remember that waking up is a gift.  A gift to make a difference in the world in a positive way, a chance to make others smile, an opportunity to truly be present in the moment. 

We woke up today and oh, what a wonderful thing to have happen.