One guy's thoughts on life, love, faith and his world

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Roots and Reinvention

Life is an interesting thing.

Now, I understand those are not the most profound words ever written.  However, when we step back to reflect, sometimes the best way to start is to acknowledge the obvious.

One of the few – and maybe the only – constant in our lives here on Earth is change.  Hell, we don’t even know what is going to happen each day when we wake up.  When you think about it, this can be exhilarating, exciting, nerve-wracking, terrifying as well as any other emotion you can conjure up.  All at once.  Every day.  That’s a lot.

The thing about change is the fact that it is constant.  It isn’t going to stop because we want it to.  It is always going to be there, it is always going to happen and if we want to be fulfilled it is up to us to recognize that and embrace it.  Recognize that there is going to be change and embrace it in all aspects of your life. 

Take a moment and think about the change currently going on in your life.  Maybe it is spiritual or professional.  Perhaps it is a milestone birthday and the physical and mental change that comes with that.  Sometimes it is good and other times it is not.  It could be a combination of things.  No matter what it may be, take a moment in quiet to think about it, recognize it and embrace it for what it is.

Now the hard part – How do we go forward from there?

While it is great to recognize, accept and embrace the change for what it is, action is needed on our part to move forward.  There are a variety of ways as well as a variety of words to describe this action – Adjust, Adapt, Acclimate just to name a few.  There is one in particular that I have grown fond of as I have been experiencing it personally in various ways as of late. 


There are a number of ways one can reinvent themselves when it comes to change.  It may be the sum of subtle modifications over time or it could be taking everything that was once known, tearing it down and going in a different direction entirely.  Personally, I’ve decided to reinvent myself by going back to my roots.  By prioritizing what is truly important in my life, my relationships and my values, I’ve been reinventing myself by taking what I have learned and trying to apply that on both a personal and professional level.  Root Reinvention if you will – it has a nice ring to it.

It’s not always easy and it isn’t supposed to be.  It has taken me more than a few proverbial kicks in the ass to get from Point A to Point B.  However, change IS going to happen, and it IS always going to be constant. 

Life is an interesting thing.

Imagine how much more refreshing – and joyful – it can be if we recognize, embrace and reinvent.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Maps, Detours and Signs

It's been a little while since I've posted, I'll consider it a bit of a summer break.  On the other hand, maybe it is a sign that I should be writing a little more often... Hope you enjoy!

Back in the “old days”, people of the world used maps to navigate where they were going.  Opening up a map to plot Point A to Point B was sometimes an adventure unto itself – especially folding it back up into that perfectly creased, multi-page rectangle it once was.  The problem with these maps was they could and would become outdated in a relatively short time frame.  Mr. Rand McNally wouldn’t be able to keep up with new road construction in real time. 

Nowadays, we simply have to punch in an address into a GPS or phone without doing much research and we are on our way.  As far as we’ve come, however, some times those devices are not updated either.  In fact, sometimes those GPS systems can be flat out wrong.

“I would have been here a half-hour ago, but my GPS took me down a dirt road, through a cornfield, past a circus tent and I had to stop to get directions,” said just about everyone I know at some point in their lives.

Thankfully, when confronted with situations such as this, there are signs along the way.  If we are cognizant of them, we can and will arrive at our destination safely.  To be successful though, it is imperative that we pay attention to the signs or else we can easily get lost. 

I believe life is like that as well.

There are times in life when we know where we are going and exactly how to get there.  More often than not, we think we know where we are headed but we run into detours or even roadblocks along the way.  If we do not pay attention to the signs, it can be very easy to get off course or even lost. 

Sometimes these signs are big, clear and easy to read.  RIGHT TURN ONLY or DO NOT ENTER come to mind in both a literal and figurative sense.  In my experience, the type of signs that we must pay attention to are much more subtle the majority of the time.  If we want to see them, we need to look for them.  By staying in the moment, being aware of our surroundings and taking time for personal reflection, these signs can and will come into focus.  It’s not always easy, but if we take the time to look hard enough, they will reveal themselves. 

Everyone needs help along the way, just like we have all asked for directions in this journey.  Personally, I believe in someone much bigger than myself and I try to ask Him for help when I do veer off course or get lost. 

An Ultimate Tour Guide if you will.

While asking is great, ultimately it is our responsibility to dig deep and look for those signs, both inwardly and outwardly.  The next step – the action to follow the signs revealed to us – then falls directly on our shoulders. 

This can and will be tough at times.  In fact, at times it will simply suck – even more than having to take a long detour.  Much like a detour, this will also take faith, patience and trust along the way. 

Detour signs are put out for a reason – to get us to our destination safely.  These “Life Signs” will do the same.

We just need to look for them and follow them along the way.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

A Wonderful Thing

A wonderful thing happened to me today.

I woke up.

I don’t have a disease nor any type of sickness that would prevent this, thanks be to God.  However, it is a gift to be able to wake up and use the day to find joy, serve others and strive to be the best that I can be.  It is a chance to find the face of Christ in others and – God willing – have others find the face of Christ in me.

Now, that’s not to say I have a perfect life, far from it.  There simply is no such thing.  What I do have is an opportunity to make today better than yesterday and set the tone for tomorrow, but only if I take that opportunity.  And if you are reading this, YOU have the same opportunity.

Recently, I read a book called Wake Up Happy by Michael Strahan.  It’s been a book that I’ve wanted to read for some time, not only because I’m a New York Giants fan, but mostly because I admire his work ethic, determination and his ability to consistently re-invent himself.

One of the points Strahan discusses in his book is about being in the moment.  Not just letting life happen but to truly be present in the moment.  When doing this, we are able to learn from the past, take the information we are given and adjust moving forward.  Waking up each day gives us the ability to try our best to be present in the moment.

It sounds great on paper, in real life not so much.  Being more present, as with all things in this game of life, is about progress and not perfection.  If we attempt to commit to it every morning – when we wake up – before too long, a habit is formed.  A good habit of growing personally while helping others around us.  That, my friends, is progress.

Some days it won’t be easy and some days you may want to simply sleep the day away.  That is the reality of life.  Every day, especially those tough days, just try to remember that waking up is a gift.  A gift to make a difference in the world in a positive way, a chance to make others smile, an opportunity to truly be present in the moment. 

We woke up today and oh, what a wonderful thing to have happen.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The End or the Journey?

Below is a little something that I wrote recently and I wanted to put it out there to get your thoughts.  Truth be told, I've not posted something like this before so it does make me a bit nervous.  

But hey, what do I have to lose, right?  

The End or the Journey

The break of dawn, sun rises in the east. It’s another day to slay the beast. It’s your choice, smile or frown. Build it up or tear it down. 

Is the answer the end or is the question the journey? Where does one put their fire and fury? The road we all travel has some turns. Don’t watch it fall down, don’t let it burn. 

The day goes on, now it’s noon. The choice is joy or the choice is gloom. There are options at hand, make the decision.  Time to think and think with precision. 

No better time than now to really begin. To let go of that sin and try to win. The choice is the journey with a smile, knowing it’s ok if it takes awhile. 

Is the answer the end or is the question the journey? Where does one put their fire and fury? The road we all travel has some turns. Don’t watch it fall down, don’t let it burn. 

Sun sets in the West, accept mediocrity or expect the best. Today is
the day to make your choice. Not to be silent but to have a voice.

Is the answer the end or is the question the journey? Where does one put their fire and fury? The road we all travel has some turns. Don’t watch it fall down, don’t let it burn.

Head rests on a pillow, the day is complete. There’s some trips but it’s not a defeat. The sun rises in the east tomorrow morn. Again, the journey begins, and we are reborn. 

The answer and the end are out in the distance - enjoy the question, the journey is your existence.  The sun rises in the east tomorrow morn.  The journey begins, and we are reborn.

Is the answer the end or is the question the journey? Where does one put their fire and fury? The road we all travel has some turns. Don’t watch it fall down, don’t let it burn.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Night to Shine

You really had to be there to experience it, my words certainly won’t do the night justice.  Hopefully, I can get across just a bit of the wonder of the evening.

On February 9, 2018, the church my family and I attend – St. Pius X in Greensboro, NC – was one of more than 540 churches from across the world to host A Night to Shine.  The Tim Tebow Foundation sponsors this amazing event which is a prom night experience for people with special needs.  My family was privileged to volunteer for the event.  My wife helped the women do their makeup, my oldest son served and mingled with caretakers and parents of the guests while my youngest son and I had the privilege of being a “buddy” to one of the guests attending the event.

From the second the guests were welcomed by our volunteers to the end of the night, keeping emotions in check was difficult to say the least. The absolute, unequivocal pure joy of the guests was indescribable.  And it was contagious.  Not in a flu-season contagious type of way, but in a “I wish I could bottle this feeling and pass it on” type of way. 
The dancing from the guests was also contagious.  Now, I’d like to think that I have some pretty slick dance moves coming from a mother that taught dancing for years.  My wife may disagree with me.  That said, you couldn’t help but get your groove on because the dance floor was hot!  Dancing with the Stars could have filmed an entire season in just two hours that night.  And every single one of the guests were Stars. 

Tim Tebow and his foundation got it right when they named the event Night to Shine.  Each of the guests, volunteers and churches had the chance to shine that night and shine they did.  However, those weren’t the only things that were shining that night.  Faith, hope and love were shining.  In short, Christ was shining that night. 

I met a lot of shining stars that evening, but there was one person in particular that touched my heart.

Night to Shine is where I met Nathan. 

Together, Nathan and I ate, danced, smiled and laughed.  He had a way of reminding me to see the joy in all things both big and small.  I saw Christ in the faces of each guest that night.  There is no other way to describe it but pure joy and love.

I not only saw Christ in the face of Nathan, I had the honor and privilege of experiencing it firsthand.  

I started the night as Nathan’s “buddy”. 

By the end of the night and now each day moving forward, I am blessed to be Nathan’s friend.   

Friday, January 19, 2018

Attitude, Gratitude and a Little Miracle

“Have an attitude of gratitude.”
-          Thomas Monson

A noble thought indeed, and I would go so far as to say it can be used as a mantra for life.  The thing is though, it’s not always easy.  In fact, sometimes it can be downright difficult because life can be hard.  Real damn hard sometimes. 

There’s a little secret about that though – it’s okay.  It’s okay to feel like it is a struggle to be grateful at times.  Life is not always roses and unicorns, and sometimes it is simply the effort of being grateful that counts most. 

And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

One of the things that I’ve personally learned recently is to try to be grateful for those things which you may not even like at the time.  For me, that’s not always easy, especially when it is something that I don’t want.  Many times, what I want versus what I need are two different things and while I think I may know the difference, that’s not always the case. 

I do have faith that there is One that knows that difference and He will always provide me with what I need, even if I don’t recognize it at the time.

For that, I am grateful. 

If you are having trouble, remember that it is okay.  Start small.  Maybe before you lay your head on your pillow at night, find just one thing to be grateful for throughout that day.  Over time, try to find three, or five.  It doesn’t have to be big, keep it simple, keep it small.  Little miracles count just as much as big miracles.

In the end, no matter how the chips may be falling at the time, if you put forth your best effort to be grateful for what you have and who you are, the more things you will find to be grateful for.

And that is the true miracle.